Outcomes are a critical component under the IRBM system.They are also more difficult to manage than the traditional inputs and outputs approach to performance management. Many “experts’ in the field often mislead their clients with a simplistic approach to outcomes and come up with very “nice” KPI sets and measurements but unfortunately, life in the real world of development, is not that simple or easy. The true test is when the programs are not successful after lots of activities and all sorts of outputs and much money spent. Lets face facts! Outcomes are multi dimensional and often complex, requiring detailed analysis. Do not let anyone out there tell you otherwise!
Whats so special about the IRBM system approach? Unlike traditional performance management systems where the focus is more on inputs and outputs, the IRBM system pays special attention to the treatment of outcomes as they are the primary reason for the existence of any program. However, it is also well established that outcomes are more difficult to deal with and if not careful, could lead to misinterpretations and mismanagement of the results agenda. The IRBM system pays special attention to this and takes into account the multi-dimensional approach of outcomes and how to deal with them in a systematic and scientific manner.
The PReMaS software application also addresses this in a systematic manner using the ProLL Model program logic approach. It not only minimizes mistakes with the results planning but also provides a step-by-step process for ensuring the correct results are identified and set before getting into the M&E issues.